Friday, March 13, 2009

Spring Fling ~ SK8 Nite
March 19, 2009
6 PM - 9 PM
Cost: $1.00
Bring all your friends and family to karate skate
nite next Thursday! We will have a BLAST!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

We miss Elley, Summer, Jordan, and Josh!





Hardcore Workout

Way to go guys! Bo & Jason

Tulse demonstrating "Breaking the Sword".

David tested for his yellow belt Tuesday.
Awesome Job!





Proud Parents and Family watching
Little Dragons testing!

Great Job Guys! Luke, Abram, and Colton tested for their yellow belts last Friday. They passed with flying colors. They were very happy about it!

Bailey says: " No, I don't go with strangers!"

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Meet the new addition:

Baby Bean
Travis and Laryn are happy to announce they have a new
addition coming in September! : )

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

David is getting ready for his Yellow Belt test Thursday! He'll do a great job!
Lesley ~ back from vacationing with those new twin babies! Ask and she'll show you pictures!
Tournament Team

Don't forget to sign up for the tournament in Somerset.

April 11, 2009 ~ SomerSlam

Colton, Luke, and Abram (not pictured) are testing for their yellow belt on Friday in Little Dragons class.

What are you thinking Luke?


Karate Limbo

Savanah, full of giggles! ; )

Yes, I have my camera out ...... again.
Welcome New Students
Jennifer, Jason, Dorothy, Matt, Dalton, Jason

Karate Monkeys ; )

Jeremy, Whaz zup?
Father and Son

Austin & Darrell

Parker . . . after a hard workout! Before the workout, we couldn't catch him on film!

"Nose to your . . . " Good job Karan!

Sunday, March 1, 2009

"Certain suffering can only be forgotten when we manage to float above our pain."
Warrior of the Light